Name: Sasha Donadieu
Aliases: Silent Knight
Gender/Pronouns: Male (He/him)
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 23
Birthdate: April 20
Ultimate: Swordsman
Appearance: GYA12
True to his title, the Silent Knight, Sasha is a man of few words. That said, he is nothing if not deeply expressive, intelligent and insightful. What he witholds in speech, he gives away with his exaggerated body language and facial expressions. What he chooses to disclose is said succinctly, with power, clarity, truth and empathy.
Spending most of his life lonely, he values loyalty to his good friends above all of else. He tries to be respectful and cordial with strangers. While he isn't conflict averse, he tries to keep interpersonal problems to a minimum. He is uninterested in petty drama, considering himself to be a somewhat serious person. He is well-aware of how intensely others are prone to seeing him.
The problems he spends most time mending, aside from his work as a professional swordsman, are those of ants. He is attendant to the cleanliness of his environment and his body to a fault and will spend hours on menial tasks like sweeping the floor and wiping the counters to perfection. He will exit conversations at inappropriate times to wash himself if he feels even a slight discomfort. These traits are exacerbated when he is stressed.
In his free time, he enjoys cleaning, working out, learning dead languages and studying medieval battle strategy. Occasionally, he'll enjoy a drink with his friends.
He is devoutly religious to the Catholic church.
Motivations: Cleanliness, salvation, personal integrity
Fears: Contamination
Hobbies: Medieval Latin, folding laundry, weight lifting
Skills: Deep cleaning, swordfighting
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